Attics aren’t usually the nicest places to sort out, but the one I helped to clear today was the best one yet – because of the layout of the house, the access to it was through a regular door, not a tiny loft hatch!!  It was easy to take everything out, sort it, then arrange what was being kept.

The attic was cluttered with all the usual stuff – does this sound like yours?  Lots of old Christmas decorations, old computer parts, toys belonging to grown-up children, all of their school books, boxes and boxes of what they used to have in their bedrooms but didn’t want to take when they left home (!!!), leftovers from old hobbies, videos, cassettes….. etc.

A note to all adults who have left boxes of stuff in their parent’s houses – go and collect it, and deal with it yourself!  I see lots of parents agonising over it. They need the space, but don’t want to ‘nag’ you, and know you “haven’t got room” in your lovely homes.