I had great fun yesterday on Aleena Naylor’s show, chatting about de-cluttering and how trendy it is becoming on social media. The latest trend is an accumulator – declutter one item from your house on the first day… two on the second… three on the third…for a month, and you should lose 465 items from your home in this way! And recording it on Facebook ensures you stay on track!

We also discussed why more people are becoming aware of the need to declutter – to help to sell their houses, or improve their lives and add space to their crowded homes.  Aleena was fascinated to hear how I help my clients without embarrassing them, what she could do this weekend to start the process of clearing out, and of course she wanted to know what the oddest thing was that I’d found in a house!!!

It’s available for a month on BBC iplayer: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02gh03q and my slot is 2 hours and 9 minutes into the program.  Alternatively, the audio file is here: