Declutter project: a large cottage in Northampton.
This five-bedroom cottage was set in a much sought after village location, and potential buyers had flocked to view it. But no offers had been forthcoming, as they simply couldn’t see through the clutter of a busy family with three children. I was called to organise a declutter. For four days, we decluttered, cleaned and re-arranged the furniture and accessories.
Spending only £150 on accessories for the finishing touches, the home went on the market. It was easier to keep tidy and was far more appealing. So much easier to keep tidy and so much more appealing that they took the house off the market and love it again!
Here’s the photos:

After – please ignore the chair colour change, this was not part of the project, they had just delivered the wrong colour on the first day I arrived, and consequently swopped them over!
Please contact me with any comments or queries:
Lynn Pick. Home Stylers Ltd.
Tel 01509 551392
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