The majority of this declutter project in Derby involved sorting the children’s toys and condensing them to a few rooms in the house instead of every room.

Seriously, children do not need to take over every room in the house. Many parents keep something in each room on purpose, to entertain them with, but it doesn’t make their lives easier after all because they never have any calm, uncluttered spaces to relax in. They aren’t teaching their children the valuable lesson of keeping tidy, and what they learn now will affect the rest of their lives. Rushing them from one activity to another after school, squeezing-in mealtimes, until they collapse into bed every night, to be repeated all day at the weekends, and buying them every toy or game they ever want only leads to frustration. I see the after-effects so many times. Discarded toys and games everywhere in the house due to no ‘tidy-up’ time allowances, games, books and activities still in their wrappers because they don’t have time to be creative and enjoy them. They grow into messy teenagers who don’t know how to entertain themselves when all the children’s activities end.  I’ve seen so many homes with these problems.      …okay, rant over!!

This home was a good example, and my busy clients were delighted with my honesty. They appreciated why I wanted to contain the children’s belongings into their own bedrooms and a playroom, and were determined to make lifestyle changes to keep their home in order.

Before - all the clutter here was children's clutter - paintings, toys etc

Before – all the clutter here was children’s clutter – paintings, toys etc

declutter kitchen makeover

After – a beautiful kitchen was revealed!







Before - the entrance was always a messy area as they all dropped their bags, coats etc here when they came in

Before – the entrance was always a messy area as they all dropped their bags, coats etc here when they came in

After - we added chests of drawers and a small wardrobe with plenty of space to contain everything

After – we added chests of drawers and a small wardrobe with plenty of space to contain everything

Before - this was a spare room, filled with games and toys

Before – this was a spare room, filled with games and toys

After - we created lots of storage for all the toys, games and excess 'clutter' from the rest of the house. And we added a table for activities, which kept the kitchen clear.

After – we created lots of storage for all the toys, games and excess ‘clutter’ from the rest of the house. And we added a table for activities, which kept the kitchen clear.







bedroom declutter







Please contact me with any comments or queries:

Lynn Pick. Home Stylers Ltd.

Tel 01509 551392