Dining rooms – are they necessary when selling your home?
In a recent article in House to Home, they claim that six out of 10 homeowners prefer to entertain guests in the kitchen, and almost 60% of families don’t use their dining room as they all eat at seperate times. (http://www.housetohome.co.uk/articles/news/most-families-no-longer-eat-together_532179.html)
However, when you’re selling a home, you’re selling a lifestyle. Potential buyers will see your dining room and imagine all the social events they can host there – even if in reality it immediately becomes a playroom or an office when they move in!
Here are some examples of projects where re-claiming the dining room has increased the saleability of the home:

Before – dining rooms are the first rooms in a house to be ‘hi-jacked’ when a family needs more space…

After – I always recommend showing a dining room off to its full potential, especially when the table and chairs were already in the house for me to use

Before – a three bedroom house turned into a four bedroom house by using the dining room then creates an imbalance between the living space and the sleeping space
Please contact me with any comments or queries:
Lynn Pick (Home Stylers Ltd)
Tel 01509 551392 www.homemakeoverservice.co.uk
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