That’s it, house complete! The homeowners were absolutely delighted! Some before and after photos of the house will be on my blog soon, but here’s what we’ve been busy with over the last five days:
There was training at the hotel – me in this instance, but usually House Doctor’s Annie Doherty:
There were demonstrations at the house – kitchen pelmets being made here:
Training doesn’t even stop at lunchtime!!
There were lots of pieces of fabric…
There were furniture demonstrations…
There were window dressing demonstrations…
And I have no idea what I was demonstrating here!!!
But the excitement built up as the team awaited the arrival of the homeowners (well, actually the second arrival – they came too early and had to go for a walk!!):
(Annie and Kay from the House Doctor Network at the front, with the delegates and myself behind)
Look out tomorrow for the reaction of the homeowners to the makeover…
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