Garden makeovers for selling:

It’s so easy to forget to keep the garden tidy when you’re selling your house, especially in winter.  But potential buyers won’t be able to imagine how good it will look in the summer, if all they can see now is a mess.  Remove empty plant pots, jet wash patios and pathways, remove children’s toys, add some seasonal colour with a few suitable plants etc and make a good impression.

Garden makeovers for yourself:

Just like a home makeover, there are many things to consider when improving your garden.  The budget is the starting point. For a larger project, do your research first – consider who would like to use the garden, how often, what for, and when. Check where the sun falls at different times of day, check the type of soil etc and draw out any ideas first.  For a general makeover, take a good long look at what you want to keep, what you want to remove, and have a good declutter and clean-up, before adding a few new finishing touches. For a full redesign of the garden, you may need to consider bringing the experts in, but still do your research before the consultation, so that the results can be taken into consideration.

Here are some examples of our garden makeovers – these are mainly to help with the sale of a property:

garden makeover before

Before – even a tiny garden can be off-putting if it’s overgrown and looks like hard work

garden makeover

After – neat, tidy, and sellable

garden makeover before

Before – some gardens can benefit from a declutter

garden declutter

After – a clean, tidy, well-kept garden will contribute to the sale of a house

garden photographs before

Before – a useful garden, but not good for the photographs

After - neat, tidy and presentable

After – neat, tidy and presentable

Before - a garden is always more difficult to keep tidy in winter

Before – a garden is always more difficult to keep tidy in winter

After - use a jetwasher, trim messy plants and wait for a little sunshine to take the photograph

After – use a jetwasher, trim messy plants and wait for a little sunshine to take the photograph

Before - even the back of the house should be neat and tidy...

Before – even the back of the house should be neat and tidy…

After - there's always something you can put in the pots rather than leave them empty.

After – there’s always something you can put in the pots rather than leave them empty.

Please contact me with any comments or queries:

Lynn Pick (Home Stylers Ltd) 

Tel 01509 551392