HOME MAKEOVER SKILLS – what skills are you or your family able to use in the makeover? When do you need to call-in the professionals?
• Analyse your own skills carefully and balance this with the time you would realistically be able to give to the project
• Consider skilled tradesmen if budget allows, as this ensures the project will reach completion!
If the home makeover is for selling purposes…
- Poor workmanship can devalue a property, so don’t cut corners
- A guarantee or receipt from a professional tradesman can be shown to the potential buyers as proof that the house has been well-maintained
Here are some examples:
CLICK HERE to see more photos of the above house

After – with the help of a professional decorator, the walls looked great, and the curtains and headboard were made by professionals too
CLICK HERE to see more photos of the above house

After – when removing these wardrobes, we discovered the walls were a real mess behind them, so had to call in the plasterers.
CLICK HERE to see more photos of the above house

Before – remember this photo from an earlier blog? These homeowners fully expected to have to change their sofas, just to help to sell the house in a competitive local market
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