“Stage my home again please!”

A previous client sent me this message – I had already helped her to sell her house within days during the previous year, and now she was on the move again. Knowing how beneficial the service had been, she had no doubts about calling me for a second time. (There’s a link to her first house at the end of this page.)

This time, she had learnt from her previous mistakes (mainly involving mixing the wrong colours together) and when she sent the ‘stage my home’ message, all she really needed was a final day of photographs and the confidence to know that it looked great for the estate agents.

Here’s what we did in one day – mother, daughter and myself.  Apparently the daughter said she “had a great time -hard work but well worth the boot up the rear – I love my room and can’t wait for the next one!”  – Praise indeed!  And no suprises when the house sold quickly, even after a huge difference in opinions between estate agents. A fair price was obtained quickly, and I’m waiting for the next “stage my home quick” phonecall.

Before - this room only needed a few tweaks for the photograph

Before – this room only needed a few tweaks for the photograph

stage my house


Kitchen - before

Kitchen – before





After - see how the whole room is affected by one colourful bowl in the center of the table?

After – see how the whole room is affected by one colourful bowl in the center of the table?

The study -before

The study -before

office makeover


Before - the breakfast room was too crowded with this large table

Before – the breakfast room was too crowded with this large table



The master bedroom - before

The master bedroom – before

bedroom makeover


Before - it ws impossible to position the double bed against a firm wall, which is always preferable

Before – it ws impossible to position the double bed against a firm wall, which is always preferable

After - so we made the most out of it here...

After – so we made the most out of it here…

Before - we changed the artwork!

Before – we changed the artwork!







Bathroom before

Bathroom before



This is the previous house:


Please contact me with any comments or queries:

Lynn Pick. Home Stylers Ltd.

Tel 01509 551392
