Moving Assistance
Moving assistance for anyone… any reason.
We offer a personal moving co-ordination service for busy people, families, professionals, seniors, disabled, first-time buyers, combining homes, downsizing, and even house clearing at the sad loss of a relative.
- Helping to choose what comes with you
- Decluttering and organising
- Removal of unwanted items
- Home staging to sell
- Help with choosing your new home
- Co-ordinating with your removals company
- Stress-free help on removals day
- Planning where your current furniture will be placed
- Being there on removals day
- Unpacking and organising your new home
- Assistance with any new furniture requirements
- Help with colour schemes, styles, finishing touches etc
Everyone needs a helping hand when moving...
Busy people, families and professionals – when you don’t have time to coordinate the move yourselves, we can help with any aspect. Call for a chat.
Seniors, downsizing – with or without the help of other family members, this incredibly emotional process can be overwhelming. Our sympathetic yet practical approach ensures the smoothest transition possible.
Anyone with a disability – there is so much more to consider when making a move, so call us for assistance
First time buyers – everyone assumes it is easy and exciting, moving into your first home. But you haven’t done this before, and may need help with prioritising tasks, decision making, realising your style and preferences, employing trades for the first time etc
Those who are combining homes – second marriages, grown-up children needing to move back home for a while, elderly relatives moving in, or inheriting a house with all its own contents – can cause problems, stress and arguments. We are called to many homes with huge issues relating to the sheer volume of ‘stuff’ that has been crammed into the four walls. Don’t do it… call us.
House clearing following the loss of a relative – whether you are nearby and just can’t cope, or you live far away and need us to sort the possessions under your long-distance supervision (using photos, FaceTime calls etc). We can follow-on with staging services to prepare the house for sale if necessary.
Whatever your reason for needing a helping hand, please contact us for a Free Initial Consultation.
We can help with the entire process...