Declutter & Home Staging for urgent relocation
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This as another example of how a job relocation can send an entire family into a spin. Alex contacted me because he had to move really quickly. He had an offer for a part exchange option which would really suit them, but the valuation of their house wasn’t quite enough for the deal to go ahead. He needed to improve the presentation as it was really cluttered.
His wife worked away from home for most of the week, and his children were all preparing for exams, and he worked long hours too. So, deadlines were approaching but they weren’t any closer to making the effort to move.
We were able to take over, decluttering, tidying and cleaning with only a small input from the family. Following the final staging day, things moved really quickly, and the estate agents valued the house over the target, so the part-exchange could go ahead. They were all delighted. The move was smoother than anticipated, because everything was decluttered and organised beforehand.